Hello, Truthspeakers and Light-Seekers! Today Nikki has the privilege of hosting Asha Walker. Asha is a holistic health coach and Founder and CEO of Health in the Hood. Health in the Hood is a non-profit organization seeking to end food insecurities through urban farming and wellness. Asha is a Miami native who has a passion for food justice, sustainability, and wellness. She has spent the last 10 years leading her team to feed and educate thousands of food-insecure families. Along with her non-profit, Asha launched her brand, Asha Walker Wellness, a curated holistic health platform in 2020. This platform has everything like self-care exercises, healthy recipes, and meditation.
The Health in the Hood method is simple: plant gardens, nourish families, strengthen communities, and harvest health. In this episode, we touch on all of those critical topics. We discuss teaching the next generation, supporting other women, the toxic patriarchy, creating sustainable practices, and much more.
Tune in and start building your healthy habits today!
In this episode…
Growing your food and gardening
About Health in the Hood
What is food insecurity?
Creating sustainable practices
Teaching the next generation
Growing greens in any climate
Supporting other women
The toxic patriarchy
The importance of meditation
Asha Walker Wellness
Growing Health in the Hood
How you can get involved
Time stamps:
0:00- 2:45 | Introduction
2:45- 6:10 | Gardening and health
6:10- 8:10 | About Health in the Hood
8:10- 14:40 | Fighting food insecurity
14:40- 16:30 | Creating jobs and teaching the next generation
16:30- 22:40* | Asha Walker’s journey
23:25- 29:00 | Recognizing other women’s success & the toxic patriarchy
29:00- 35:30 | About Asha Walker Wellness
35:30- 38:30 | Health in the Hood’s next chapter
38:30- 46:00 | How to get involved
“Microgreens are a great place to start. They take less than a week to grow; most of the time, they are more nutrient-dense than a full plant.”
“I think in the last 10 years, seeing how people respond to this kind of work and opportunity is undeniable. It is the solution. There should be a community garden around every corner. This is how we shift things.”
“We will go into neighborhoods and convert these large pieces of land into these vibrant vegetable gardens and hire residents from the neighborhood to maintain them. We teach fitness, urban farming for kids, and how to grow your own greens. It is a beautiful way to close this gap in our food system that we are all now waking up to.”
Connect with Nikki Spo
Connect with Asha Walker
Asha’s TEDx Talks: https://www.ted.com/talks/asha_walker_plant_a_seed_and_reclaim_your_food_system_jan_2019
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